Feeling Safe in Your Body to Make a Change

Remember how I said to get what you want in life, you need to ...


It's true.

When coaches tell us to just change our beliefs, that is only helpful to a point. They're completely missing that your body doesn't feel safe enough to do something you've never done before.

The nervous system needs regulating so you can stretch beyond your own personal set point. Only choosing a new belief leads to wonky results year after year until you address how the body feels. You can’t tell someone having a panic attack to “CALM DOWN!” because that does NOT work! 

Here are just a few of my favorite tools to help you feel more safe in your body:

  • Shaking releases stress and burns extra adrenaline helping to calm the nervous system. 

  • Havening is where you touch anywhere on the body (skin to skin contact) shifting the chemical reaction in your brain.

  • Tapping calms the part of you that is triggered so you can think more clearly and find the next right step.

On Monday, May 1st, rates are rising for EFT and coaching packages because I'm adding more sessions.

EFT International says it can take about 6 - 8 sessions to change your life. Therefore you will receive 6 sessions rather than 4 or 5 to support your transformation.

To break it down, 5 EFT sessions for $300 will become 6 EFT sessions for $405.

And 4 coaching sessions for $180 will become 6 coaching sessions for $360.

For my community, you may invest in 3 packages of your choice at the old rate until Sunday, April 30th. This is my gift to you!

I can help you:

  • Ask for what you want without hurting a soul

  • Stop over-scheduling yourself

  • Do less and earn more

  • Make time for your own self-care

  • Get over things that have triggered you for years

When you heal your relationship to food, time, money, and boundaries, everything in your life becomes easier. 

Take the next step today! Hop in an EFT package or a coaching package—whatever floats your boat.

With love,

Michele Santo