3 Ways to Get Unstuck

Your happiness depends on the quality of your energy.

Tune into how you’re feeling now. Notice the thoughts you’re thinking. Be honest about what you believe is possible in relation to your goals. Is it possible for you or do you need to clear away some old programming?

As the seasons change, you may feel tired and sluggish. I encourage you to prioritize rest so you have the energy to create the wins that really matter to you. Today I’m sharing three simple ways to get unstuck or out of that stuck-in-a-rut blah feeling.

1) Declutter Your Environment

Look around your home and office. Do you see objects out of place? It may be time to use it or lose it. 

I have a rule. If I haven’t used it in a year, I donate it. When you clear physical clutter in your environment, it lightens up your energy so you can think more clearly and take action towards your dreams.

2) Move Your Body 

An easy way to feel happier is to move it, move it. Make time to move your body 3-5 times a week in whatever way pleases you. 

I love watching YouTube videos or taking classes! I enjoy Pilates, yoga, weights, and lately I’ve been doing The Class at home—a movement practice where fitness and mindfulness mesh. I also love walking the dog. I’m SO thankful for Lilly because she gets me outside almost everyday, which always rejuvenates my spirit. When you’re feeling really stuck, force yourself to step outside.

3) Help Someone

The best way to not dwell on disempowering thoughts is to reach out and help someone else. Put the focus outside of yourself and your situation. Call a friend or see how you can be of service to your family or coworkers or community. Here’s an idea.

My client launched a silent auction for a great cause - to help Naturopathic Doctors in Virginia get licensed. If you fancy a one off EFT Session or Life Coaching Session with me, the bid starts at $37 (that’s 50% off!) and you just need to do is buy a $10 ticket to participate.

I’m only telling my community about this offer so if you’ve ever wanted to try tapping, or would like some accountability, this is a great opportunity to help others get access to naturopathic medicine AND help yourself at a 50% savings!

Here’s to getting out into the world in a positive light!
