The Power of Acceptance

I don’t know who needs to hear this but when life gets tough, acceptance will make it easier.

When things doesn’t go according to our expectations (honestly, it rarely does), what can we do to ease the discomfort?

The first step is to acknowledge that it’s happening differently and just let it be even if it hurts. Especially when it hurts. This won’t be easy but allowing the emotional discomfort to be present is necessary if you want feel better.

Bring to mind a situation that isn’t ideal. You wish so badly that it was different yet … Here. It. Is. Life isn’t always easy or fair sometimes yet your power lies in letting it be. Bring in a little bit of acceptance and then a little bit more until there is no emotional charge around it.

I know you want things to change however, it might not be possible right now. In the future, things could change and for your sake, I hope they do. Yet holding onto sadness or anger or anxious energy blocks the change you seek. My advice?

Befriend the pain.
Sit with it.
Just let it be.

Holding onto agony is like holding onto a burning hot tea cup - you will get burned and it will drain your life force energy. You will feel tired and it will become difficult to do the things you love (not to mention get work done) so practice putting your hands up in the air. Let go of your attachment.

Feeling better starts with you and your ability to bring acceptance into the situation (no matter how annoying or hurtful it is).

You may have to set boundaries and choose distance over drama in order to protect your peace.

It’s not easy yet when you take your power back by not letting events upset your balance, you will find emotional freedom. How people behave is on them. How you respond is up to you.

I help women stop worrying about what others think of them so they can live their life without regrets. Book an energy healing session to take your power back and feel more free.

Here’s a great quote by Lao Tzu:


When you start to embody acceptance, THAT is when life starts to get easier. It is a practice.


P.S. Reach out if I can support you with this.