It was Great to Tap with Brad Yates and Shake Hands

Please don't let the "New Year, New You!" hype pressure you into setting overly ambitious goals.

I find January is a recalibration period after the holiday hoopla. If you don't feel like rushing into action, it's okay. You're aligned with nature. Plants reserve their energy to bloom in Spring. Ease into 2023 because:


When I first discovered EFT about 10 years ago, I would tap along with Brad Yates online. He has a great YouTube channel filled with short taps on just about any issue you can think of. 

It was great to meet and tap with him in person. His sessions are sprinkled with humor, which helps you laugh at yourself. A great way to dissolve the stress is to poke fun of it all.

As I shook his hand,  I thanked Brad for all of his tapping videos and said, "energy work has changed my life SO much that I had to get certified." He said with a smile, "welcome to the team!"

I invite you to join me for a transformative energy healing session.

Start the new year feeling peaceful and empowered, giving you the best chance to create what you want!

My nonjudgmental energy will put you at ease. Join me for a one hour session to:

  • Clear your mind

  • Identify subconscious blocks 

  • Motivate you to take the next step

See you there,

P.S. Whatever dream is in your heart, I hope you really go for it.

Michele Santo