The Best Time to Tap & How Often

In between 1:1 sessions, clients wonder, "when is the best time to tap AND how often should I be tapping?"

Well, it depends.

Are you tapping to unwind after a stressful day?

Or, are you tapping to resolve deep, long-standing patterns that have been with you for over a decade?

The latter is usually intense and kind of troubling. The mind is tricky! Things of this nature require more frequency. Patience. Compassion. And dedication to keep tapping on the issue until you get to a place where the emotional charge is a # 0 - 3. That's where you want to be.

Healing happens when you reflect on something that used to make your blood boil, and you can talk about it with no emotional attachment. That's when you have EMOTIONAL FREEDOM, YAY!

When is the best time to tap? How often should I tap? I answer in the video. Learn my rule of thumb that's worked so well for my clients (and myself)! Click here to watch!

Michele Santo