Be the Rainbow Sheep in Your Family (3 Ways How)
Someone asked me, "are you the black sheep in your family?"
I proudly said, "yep!"
She said, "me too! I call myself the rainbow sheep."
Image source: Shutterstock
What a cool reframe!
If you resonate as a black sheep, you were the odd one out of the family - maybe sensitive or the rebel. You made choices that went against the brain (🧠 Freudian slip - I meant to say grain) of your parents or siblings.
Instead of believing black sheep are just cast in the corner as misunderstood (I felt that way often), what if being different inspired others to be more of their true selves too?
A rainbow sheep grabs that pink permission slip and lives life on their own terms because it was born to shift the consciousness on the planet. I love the sound of THAT! (I'll get going on my Halloween costume.)
A few ways to become the rainbow sheep:
Read The Inner Child Workbook by Cathryn L. Taylor - if you didn't receive the kind of love you wanted as a kid, guess what? Be the parent you've always dreamed of.
Try Family Constellation Work (Dr. Marie Rodriguez is great at this) to heal unresolved memories or outdated familial patterns that keep you stuck.
Schedule a 1:1 energy healing session with me. Good for making peace with your past and drawing lines in the sand. You are in the driver's seat and I am the voice on the GPS.
Thank you for being more YOU!
P.S. How will you be a rainbow sheep?