My Obsession with EFT Tapping 😍

I've definitely found my calling! Friends and strangers tend to open up to me and tell me their dirt without my prompting. What can I say? I love to listen. 

The current events inspired me to step up into a healing role as I knew a lot of people would struggle with so much change all at once. I got certified as an EFT Practitioner through The Priority Academy and have been seeing clients since all around the world. One blessing of 2020! It's been the most joyous *work* (if you can call it work?) I've ever done and thank you for being part of it. 

I'm OBSESSED with EFT. I wake up tapping and go to bed tapping on either my partner or my dog. They don't seem to mind.

It's the most effective tool I've found to destress and rewire empowering beliefs (trust me, I’ve tried everything!). I also love the power of breath work, essential oils, movement, nature, healthy eating, and slowing down. If you're into that, I'll be guiding you to feel more grounded and peaceful with more blogs and videos. Together we'll become our highest selves for sure!

What if the next time you feel upset, you can turn it around with tapping? You have complete control over your thoughts. Healing energy is available right now at your fingertips and all you need to do is practice tapping.

You can read my story of how EFT kept popping up in my world and I thought it was weird at first. There's a video at the end about how EFT works and you can tap along with me. (You may need a Facebook account to access it). It will recharge you every time. Again, I'm so glad we're connected.

Be well,

P.S. Let me know what you're struggling with and I'll write a blog for you!