How to Improve Your Relationships - Bless Your House

My friend Cara Faith inspired me to try a house blessing as a way to clear the energy at home to invite new blessings in my life. I'm pretty good at decluttering, yet I had never blessed my house before. I loved it so much, I had to share it with you in hopes it brings you more clarity.

Our homes house about 300,000 things as LA Times points out. That's a lot of distractions that can pull your energy in different directions - sometimes away from your plans.

Look around the room.

Notice how each item can impact your mood, your sleep, and your ability to get stuff done.

Even the simplest detail as spice jar labels that don’t match. I believe the different colors and fonts drain your brain power ever so slightly. (I dream of matching, minimal spice jars - a project for a rainy day).

The state of your home mimics the state of your mind. A stressed mind can leave the laundry hanging from every kitchen chair a few days longer than anticipated. A clear mind usually puts the laundry away. Well, consider blessing your home with loving intention to reap the many benefits.

House Blessings Can Improve:

  • Intimacy

  • Sleep

  • Clarity

  • Concentration

  • Creativity

  • Productivity (you are valued no matter how much you get done today)

  • Money mojo

I can always use support to help me stay creative. I tend to get stuck in doing or resting. A house blessing is a good practice to help ease into a new season. Here are the steps I took to clear the energy in my home, which I invite you to try just once.

How to Do a House Blessing:

  1. Play music that inspires you to clear the space.

  2. Start by the front door.

  3. Face the door and set the intention to activate higher health, wealth, and love.

  4. Make sound in each corner of the room, under the couch, and definitely open the drawers. Bells, chimes, drums, vacuum, (even pots and pans) can help break up stagnant energy.

  5. If you can't make noise, spray essential oils in every nook and cranny of your home. Blend 4.5 tablespoons of water, 1.5 tablespoons of vodka or witch hazel, and up to  30 drops of essential oil (lemon, orange, frankincense are great).

  6. Once you've blessed every room in the house, open the windows to let fresh air in. Opening two windows in one room is an easy way to detox your space. Let staleness out and welcome in fresh air.

  7. As you clear up each room, take a moment to be still and ask the space what it needs from you to feel even better. (I share what my living room said below).

  8. When the house blessing feels complete, celebrate with a dance party or have a snack.

Best Times to Bless the Home:

  • A divorce

  • Moving 

  • After people visit

  • After an illness

  • After a disagreement

  • Seasonal change

Just as you tune in and talk to your body for deeper healing, tune into the essence of each room to see what else it might need from you.

When I did this, I swear I heard the TV stand talk to me. Maybe it was my higher self?

The voice said, “get rid of your wedding cards as they're taking up dead space.”

It's true, they're just clogging up the drawer with no real purpose! So that’s on my list.

Everything is energy and carries its own consciousness - our pets, our roommates, and even our things. We just have to slow down and see if the stuff in our environment represents who we are becoming, or not. If it's the latter, I highly suggest donating or selling it.

Definitely bless your home soon and let me know how it goes! 


P.S. Spring brings fertile ground to weed out old programs and plant new beliefs so your dreams come to you (without having to chase them).

P.P.S. If you're feeling the call to create more fulfilling relationships, be free of over-giving, and set boundaries (without hurting others), I warmly invite you to work with me.

We go deep into:

  • Noticing what limits you

  • Unearthing the root cause

  • Accepting your humanness

  • Unraveling codependent behavior

  • Embodying safety to find your voice

  • Requesting what you want without pulling out your sword

I'm opening up space to work with a few aligned women 1:1.

As my birthday rounds the corner, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and will be expanding my EFT and coaching packages from 5 sessions to 6 so there will be a slight price increase happening on May 1st.

I find the longer we work together, the more comfortable people feel to be vulnerable and really make a shift. 

Inquire about working together.