Signs that Your Boundaries are Weak & Need Attention

Everywhere I look, the word *boundaries* comes up in conversations or I see posts about them. Advocating for ourselves is not something we learned in school. Imagine if we did though? We'd be far more content with our lives because we have the skillset to speak up.

Boundaries are DEFINITELY hitting me over the head so I can share this message ... to empower women to use their voices, speak up for their needs and desires, and don't take anyone's crap when they step over the line.

Because they will.

I struggled with telling people no for a LONG time. I'm still making effort to get it right!

This is what's going on for me. Click here to watch a quick video.

Signs you have weak boundaries:

  • You feel resentful towards someone

  • People push your limits, which annoys you but you don't have the heart to say anything

  • You feel exhausted and burned out from helping others

There's a BIG difference between giving to care for others versus over-giving so others will like you.

I have SO MUCH MORE to say about this so stay tuned!

P.S. This is my favorite book on this important topic (especially for women!): Boundary Boss by Terri Cole.

I'm also eyeing up Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab.

Are boundaries something you could use support with? Let me know!