Pop Some Kombucha! We're Tapping LIVE on Acceptance

You write positive affirmations.
You make vision boards.
A coach helps you get things done, yet you haven’t achieved exactly what you had in mind YET.

Want to know the secret to getting what you want?

ACCEPTING exactly where you are, right now (warts and all). 

Well, I can’t stand to see women not getting the results they want despite trying really hard. I’ve been there and it’s exhausting. 

That’s why we’re meeting this Friday to TAP INTO ACCEPTANCE. It’s an easy way to acknowledge how far you’ve come, so you can get to where you’re going.

Join me LIVE on Friday, March 12th at 7:00pm EST for the Women’s Tapping Circle and learn the mind body technique to help you breatkhrough your goal. Head over here and save your seat!

I have so much to share and a pretty funny story of how I wasted thousands of dollars on self development and got nowhere, fast. UGH.

I learned that being okay with your life is the balm your body needs to (exhale) and blossom into your next level amazingness. We’ll meet on Zoom and bring your favorite calming essential oil with you (lavender, frankincense, joy, or acceptance are great!).

If creating your best life is on your vision board, I want to help you manifest it.

 See you Friday!
